Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Feel Good

Hello little sweeties!  I am feeling 110% better then I was in my last blog post!  This past weekend David and I went to a little engagement party for our good friends Andrew and Aileen.  We finally explored Washington Avenue, which is like the place to go down town Saint Louis.  We went to one bar and waited for around 10 mins for a drank...never got one so we ventured on down to a dive bar called Hair of the Dog...we had so much fun!  I seem to love dive bars way more than anything fancy schmancy anyways.  I love places where you can get your bev and have the option to sit down with your buds. Monday I went to the doctor and got like four viles of blood taken, they are testing my thyroid and just running tests to figure out what is going on.  They said I should hear back from them tomorrow so lets keep our fingers crossed it is nothing serious.  David and I have been going to gym and I have not been complaining! High five!  I met Aileen and a friend Becca for a hip-hop dance class on Monday and I wish I could post a video of my trying to do the most of your know I have absolutely no can't even clap my hands to the beat.  I have been cooking a lot this week which always makes me happy!  I have been trying to find the most interesting and healthy foods! Still haven't had any dairy aside from the cheese on my pizza and a cheesecake bite I had on my cheat day!  I have a new found love for brussel sprouts, David and I saw them at the farmers market for 2lbs for $2.00 and I couldn't pass them up.  I came home and looked up how to roast them and now they are like my go to snack.  You just put them on a baking sheet put olive oil and kosher salt on them and roast them at 350 for 10-15 mins then shake the pan and give them another 10-15 mins...they are good hot or cold...we have some in the fridge that I eat cold when I just want a little sumthin sumthin.  I am really getting excited about school in March.  I have been practicing my makeup a lot lately messing with the contours and bold colors.

I can't wait to have some cuties to practice on!  I am keeping pictures of everything I do so I can use them for my website after I finish school or at least get into it!  I believe that is all for tonight!  Thanks for the support!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

All dressed up and no where to go

So much for keeping up with my beloved blog!  Let's see...since my last post...

Michael, one of our very best buds from home came to visit for a few days and we had a great time...(aside from me working everyday)!  The boys went to the casino a few times, I made them a few delicious dinners, we went bowling and to the zoo, and played Monopoly! 

I started cocktailing at a bar up the street and have just decided today that it is not for me.  It could be the whole new girl thing, or maybe people here are just different then I am use to.  No please and thank you, or good job today or even any sort of acknowledgement. Each shift was at least 8 hours, there were 3 days where I worked 11 hours and I had like one day off in 5 days.  You had to start your shift in heels and if no one was in the bar you had to constantly be doing breaks.  It was emotionally and physically draining.  I would come home to go to bed just so I could get up the next day and do it again.  The very first day I came home and cried to David, but I really wanted to stick it out.  I wanted it to work.  I hate hate hate being a quitter, especially since I am such a hard worker, but I can't do something where I am constantly stressed out/anxious/worried.  I came home last night and cried again to David and we just decided that this little bump of a job on my life time line isn't worth it.  Especially since I don't have to work, I was just trying to make a little extra spending/vacation money.  I just feel like I can not find my place here.  Everything in Greensboro was so perfect, and it is just so hard for me to even get just a little piece of that back, no matter how hard I try.  I wonder if this aching feeling will ever go away...that is what it feels like, just a constant the feeling you get when you feel like you have forgotten something.  David is great though.  I thank God for him (and Arto) everyday.  They so supportive and loving and they help me get through the day.  I know alot of these emotions are coming from me quitting because I feel like I have failed, and I am just drained (but I know there are only like 5 of you reading this so I can share them on here, and it actually makes me feel a little bit better to let it out.)


Back in September I applied to be a flight attendant and I just got an email to interview with them tomorrow.  Now as you all know I am signed up for esthetician school in March (which I am super excited about) but I am still going to go tomorrow and find out what the deal is.  I know that it is for GoJet which is an express division of United, but that is pretty much everything I know.  How awesome would it be if I was just working direct flights back and forth from MO to NC...hey a girl can dream! :)  We will see, I am all over the place, just trying to find where I belong.

I have been to the gym twice since my last blog post, still trying to eat healthy,  I have for the most part cut out dairy and have switched my milk cravings to chocolate silk. (soy) I lost 3 pounds while working because I didn't eat anything and I was stressed to the max.  I finally have a Gyno apt. Friday so hopefully we will be able to run some tests and figure out why I haven't had a period since September.

This has been one blah blog...sorry, but I actually feel a little bit better! On a lighter note, is anyone watching the Bachelor?  This is the very first season that I got trapped in to.  I wonder how much of it is staged.  I love that sweet little country Kacie.  Courtney is terrible and David likes her so that makes me dislike her even more...haha...Davids reason...because she is a model...blah...boys will be boys I guess.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Eat right! I think?

So David and I made our detox smoothies last night, and.....they were surprisingly delish! 

I found the recipe through pinterest (duh!)  It is 1 cup of baby spinach, 1 cup of kale, 1 pear cut into pieces, 1 frozen banana, and 1 1/2 cups of orange juice.  Yum! 

Neither one of us felt any different afterwards, or had to make multiple trips to the maybe it didn't detox us, but at least it tasted good and we got an extra fruit and veggie serving.  We will most definitely be making again!

For dinner we had salmon and veggies on top of brown rice.

I am not a huge fan of brown rice.  I could eat white rice every day all day long, but aparently brown is the healthier choice.  With that being said, on to the next topic of conversation.  How on earth do you decide what is healthy and what is not.  Overall I would say David and I eat pretty good.  We don't drink soda, and we may have fast food once or twice a month.  I do however have a huge sweet tooth and somehow got into the habit of wanting just a bite of something sweet after I eat anything.  We do also enjoy a few adult beverages on the weekends, but I think we would be able to cut back.  I am not looking to be on a diet to lose weight, I just want to be healthy and fit, and I want my abs back!  Over the past couple days I have been looking up healthy diets and eating "clean".  I have found articles on how eating grains, as in cereal grains are bad for you. Eating meat is bad for you.  Dairy is bad for you.  It is all very confusing.  So what do you eat?  I really like concepts from the Paleo diet

The hardest thing with eating this way is cutting out all dairy.  David and I can go through two gallons of milk in a week.  Saying we LOVE milk is an understatement.  I also just started reading "The Beauty Detox Solution" by Kimberly Snyder C.N.

I have only read the first chapter in this book and she talks about how human bodies were not designed to eat meat or dairy.  She also includes studies on how eating these things can be linked to cancer.  So this should be a fun read :)  I will keep you updated as I continue reading.  

I think we are going to give the Paleo Diet a try and see how it works for us, and take one day a week to eat the pizza, Chipotle, french toast, and vodka waters my body desperately needs to survive.  Everything is okay in moderation right?

Are you on a diet?  What kind of meal "plan" works best for you? 

Well I have a few hours before WORK tonight! So I guess I will clean! We have another fun visitor coming this weekend!

Love love love,

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Beginnings 1/2/12

2011 ended with boobie tassles and a few broken glasses.  Sweet baby Courtels was here and we went to a Speakeasy themed party, complete with a burlesque show.  Great fun and a new and different way to end an awesome year.  2011 was a huge year full of changes-getting married and the big move to Saint Louis.  I am looking forward to a nice relaxing 2012!  I have decided to start blogging as a way keep family and close friends updated on what is going on with us.  David and I have also decided that we are going to get healthy and fit in 2012 so I am going to track that progress as well. 

I just got offered a bartending job at a bar that is like 2 blocks away from our place so that is pretty awesome.  I start training tomorrow.  I am hoping to make some friends and some cash money.  For those of you who don't know, I am starting Esthetician (skin, makeup, ect.)  school in March.  The program lasts from March to October.  I have always had a passion for doing makeup and making people feel better about themselves so eventually I am hoping to open my own spa or at least start doing makeup for weddings and events and things like that.  David and Courtney got me a pro makeup airbrush and pro spray tanning set so I have had alot of fun playing around with that.  Sometimes I get nervous about going back to school, since I already have my bachelors degree and couldn't/can't find a "career", but hopefully with this certification I will have more options.

David and I are making detox smoothies tonight to start our new year out right.  I will blog about that tomorrow.  I hope you all had a fabulous New Year. 
Love love love,